Trimble GPS Base Station

Integrated Communication Systems (Pvt) Ltd, operates a Trimble Base Station in Colombo 03,. The system includes a 12-channel receiver capable of tracking 12 satellites simultaneously. ICS uses the Trimble base station along with a Trimble Pathfinder Pro-XL receiver for data collection. The products provide GPS base data files for   post processing of Trimble GPS Field Data.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a series of 24 satellites orbiting around the globe operated and maintained by the U.S.  Department of Defense (DOD).

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Information about our site:

The station operates 24 hours, 7 days per week. Hourly data files are available at  which can be down loaded. The data is retained for 30 Days.

For Your login Information please Contact ICS.


The file naming convention is as follows: aymmddhh.ssf where


For more information contact:

Ananda or Suresh
Integrated Communication Systems (pvt) Ltd
39 2/2 Alfred Place
Colombo 03, Sri Lanka.
Telephone (+9411)2500080 or (+9411)2596697 ,
Fax (+9411)2501259
E Mail : or